Most recently independent consultant, assisting successful capture/proposal teams in winning recent large government IDIQ contracts, specializing in Sample Task responses and winning strategies. Prior to that served as Principal Engineer/ Manager/Leader in the SAIC and US Army CECOM, executing multiple Business Development and direct technical assignments as (1) CECOM Account Manager, (2) SAIC Capture/Program Manager for the billion dollar Army Strategic Solutions Sources (S3) IDIQ, (3) SAIC Program Manager for the Army CECOM Rapid Response (CR2) and follow-on R23G IDIQ contracts (4) Future Combat System (FCS) C4ISR Integration IPT leader. Well recognized “by-name” at the senior and working levels at the entire Team C4ISR community. Was a key member of several SAIC Capture teams for the company top 10 “must-win” programs: Led Capture/Proposal/Sample Task Teams responsible for new RDTE applied research and technology transition opportunities. These included COBRA ATO EDGE programming; Battle Command; Intelligent Agents; Expanding Future Combat System spinoffs; Networking/Service Oriented Architecture and cross-company capture/proposal support for the Veterans Affairs Technology Assessment Center “T4” opportunity. Served as a key member of the C4ISR Campaign Plan and CECOM strategic plan as the C4ISR work transitions to Aberdeen, MD. Awarded an SAIC Stock Compensation Plan (SCP) trust for significantly exceeding his revenue goals. He worked on Brigade Combat Team Modernization (BCTM) tasks including Systems Engineering/C4ISR Integration, the Spinout and Material Release of Future Combat Systems (FCS) products and technologies to the field. At FCS he was a key member of the Survivability Team, Training IPT, C4ISR Integration/Specialty Engineering/RAM-T, Safety, E3, TEMPEST, CBRN and classified threat teams. He also led several R&D and Systems Engineering efforts for Team C4ISR. He had been with SAIC for 10 years following his retirement from CECOM.
He held multiple assignments at CECOM, starting as a COMM/ADP Production/Logistics/Quality assurance Engineer moving to the systems engineering International C4ISR MALLARD Project, TRI-TAC/Joint Tactical C3 Agency and then to CERDEC. There he served in multiple assignments including Chief Engineer I2WD and culminating as Director, Advanced Systems HQ CERDEC with responsibility for 200 employees and execution of the Army/DARPA Science and Technology Master Plan. He Chaired major Source Selection Evaluation Boards and was active on Source Selection Advisory Councils to the Army Source Selection Authority. He reported to the Commanding General as the single DARPA focal point. He represented the Army at the DOD Joint Director of Labs (JDL) annual technology results review for congressional oversight.