CTTSO opens BAA 20S3060 to solicit concepts for innovative research and development projects
The DoD’s Combating Terrorism Technical Support Office (CTTSO) is soliciting concepts for innovative research and development projects under Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) funding mechanisms.
The CTTSO mission is to identify and develop capabilities to combat terrorism and irregular adversaries and to deliver these capabilities to DoD components and interagency partners through rapid research and development, advanced studies and technical innovation, and provision of support to U.S. military operations.
On 19 March 2020, CTTSO opened BAA 20S3060 to solicit concepts for innovative research and development projects. All submissions are due 4-MAY-2020 3 PM (1500) Eastern time. All users who registered before February 15, 2020 must re-register in the system to submit a proposal.
You can download the package details here: BAA 20S3060
It is the continued vision of CTTSO to identify requirements to combat terrorism and provide solutions to the war fighters, first responders, and other front line users as rapidly as possible.