Stephen Larsen has more than 30 years of experience in government Public Affairs, producing media products and managing media campaigns that have enhanced the profile and visibility of government programs and contributed to organizations receiving increased funding.
He has researched, written, taken photographs for and released hundreds of news and feature stories that have appeared in Army AL&T magazine, Army Communicator magazine, Military Information Technology and scores of other publications. He has also produced videos– including researching and writing the script, hiring the production and post-production crew and directing the shooting and editing – that have brought additional customers to government for programs ranging from Vehicular Intercom Systems (VIS), Combat Service Support Satellite Communications Systems (CSS SATCOM), Defense Wide Transmission Systems (DWTS) and the Program Executive Office, Enterprise Information Systems (PEO EIS).
As a government Public Affairs Officer, his news story about the CSS SATCOM program was forwarded by the Chief of Staff of the Army to every General Officer in the Army and his subsequent media campaign – including multiple news stories and videos – contributed significantly to the CSS SATCOM program receiving funding first for 775 systems and ultimately for more than 3,000 systems. His media campaign publicizing a government organization’s new business area of providing Critical Power and Equipment Cooling (CPEC) systems for communications centers and data centers – including multiple news stories and videos – directly resulted in the government organization receiving more than $7 million in additional CPEC project work.
Mr. Larsen holds a Bachelor of Arts from the College of Staten Island of the City University of New York and holds a Secret security clearance.